Non Verbal and hyperactive

When 2 year old Master M presented to our rooms over 6 months ago, he was tired, angry frustrated and his speech was poorly developed.

He had poor eye contact and his parents biggest concern was that day care was always pulling them up and telling them about his hyperactive, and uncontrollable behaviour.

Mast M, was found to be long sighted and had unequal vision.

His first eye test was hard, but we insisted on him getting glasses.

His parents were convinced he wouldn’t wear them.

We fitted him with flexible and light weight tomato glasses.

Not only did he love them, but an upgrade on lens design three months ago, has found that Mast M today, not quite 3 years old, now knows his letters and enjoys reading.

He can happily sit on the testing chair for 10 minutes and remain focused.

Most importantly his educators are no longer having to complain to his parents.

Happy outcomes and good results all round.

Will WIlliams