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 Dry Eye


 A Dry eye assessment requires the assessment of both aqueous and oily components of the tear film as well as assessing the function of the Meibomian glands.

Dry eye can often occur when the eye is unable to produce enough moisture to the front surface of the eye, leading to symptoms such as watery eyes, burning sensations and scratching.

If a lack of tears is the problem, we can improve the moisture of the eyes but using ophthalmic drops including artificial tears, eye drops and gels. Their mode of action is by injecting a surge of moisture and often oils into the tear to retain the moisture required to protect the eye.

We also sell specialised, doctor-recommended eye masks that can be heated in the oven or microwave to help express those blocked Meibomian glands (and if you ask us, honestly feel like a day spa on your eyes - we’ll take five!)

Specialised eye masks are now available for contact lens wearers, so please do not hesitate to ask.

Severe dry eye can lead to reduced vision and blocked ducts can lead to styes - also known as Hordeoleum.

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See Us

Our specialised technology will assist in determining the severity and cause of your dry eye.

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Find a Solution

After finding the problem, we’ll recommend the best solution for you and your dry eye needs.



You’ll be able to leave our room happy, with happy eyes and able to say… “I went to Kiddies!”

We can help you beat those angry, scratchy eyes.

See us, so you can see the difference.