Eye Problems in Babies


Signs of Eye and Vision Problems in Babies and Infants.

Eye problems in Babies.  Do they exist?  Do infants have vision problems?

How Can The Optometrist test a baby?

How Young can a Baby be tested?

The presence of eye and vision problems in infants is rare.

Our genetic make up means that our visual abilities will develop throughout life without any difficulty.

Most babies begin life with #healthy eyes.  Occasionally this process can develop stumbling blocks.

Infants and babies can have eye diseases.

Babies can have blocked tear ducts, thus causing excessive excessive tearing.

Babies and infants can have red and crusted eye lids.  This is due to infection of the eyelids.

Eye muscle control can be lost causing your child’s eye to turn in our out.  Very rarely this turns can by up and out.

Children can have unusual head turns and tilts.  This can be due to under or over-action of the Inferior Oblique or Superior Oblique muscles.

Appearance of a white reflex, or glow in the pupil.  Unfortunately, this sign can be the difference between saving an eye or a life, so should be considered an ocular emergency as it may be an Ocular eye cancer.

Babies can be born Congenital Cataracts.  Babies can develop infantile Glaucoma.

No baby or child is too young to be tested.

Parents need to look for these signs that may be indications of eye and vision problems and see their paediatric optometrist.


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